How to prevent duplicate alerts?

Simply set the key option to a specific value. If a new alert with the same key is triggered while the old one is active or queued, this new alert will be dismissed and never displayed.

  key: "im-unique",
  title: "Hello World!",
  // this alert will be dismissed immediately
  key: "im-unique",
  title: "Goodbye World!",

How can I get the values from a select or search-select as an array?

Use the toArray method to convert the value to an array.

import { toArray } from "react-native-paper-fastalerts";
  okAction(values) {
    const arr = toArray(values[0]); // e.g: ->  ["b", "l", "m"]
  fields: [
      type: "select",
      data: [
        { key: "Berlin", value: "b" },
        { key: "Paris", value: "p" },
        { key: "London", value: "l" },
        { key: "Madrid", value: "m" },

Internally the select and search-select fields store the values as a concatenated string with a separator.

Do action, okAction and cancelAction support async functions?


What options are required?

None. All options are optional.

What is the difference between alert, confirm, success, ...?

The only difference is that some options such as icon and title are set to a default value. However you can override and use any of them for any purpose.

I want to use a custom component inside the alert. How can I do that?

Use the custom field type.

  fields: [{
    type: "custom",
    render(value, setValue, allValues, tempValue, setTempValue) {
      return <MyComponent />